Sometimes when it comes to purchasing a car on a budget, we tend to go towards as-cheap-as-possible but this isn’t always the best route to take. Knowing your budget and sticking to it is always a good idea but what do the experts say?
Trevor Khumalo says cheap isn’t always best. He says he ignored warnings to shop around for good deals and bought the first car that he loved but a few months later he was full of regret.
“I’m a frugal person, I totally get that but should have listened to my friends. I bought a car that ended up being a huge money pit from constantly having to fix it,” he says.
How to find the right car
Don’t let your heart rule your head. If you can’t afford your dream car, consider bending a bit by buying something more in your price range. Unless you already have a car in mind, you should start by looking:
Top 10 questions to ask yourself
Now you’ve made sure you can afford a car, it’s time to find out what you can buy within your budget. But first, ask yourself the following questions, all of which are essential when choosing your next car:
Buying a demo car is also a great idea if that option is available. When compared to traditionally ‘used’ models, a demo offers many upsides. Here are some of the often overlooked benefits that characterise demo car purchases;