Eswatini’s Story Told Through Poetry

The story of the beautiful kingdom has reached many nations around the world through the artistic talents of Poet and King’s praise singer Sandile ‘Msandi Kababa’ Nxumalo.

Using the gift of poetry whenever there are international trips Nxumalo is usually present sharing with the world the beauty of our land.

His patriotism has not only flown the country flag high but also amassed him awards including best Poet at the National Arts and Culture Awards (NACA) 2018. He is also a winner of two Tihlabani Awards- Best Poet of the Year and Most Male Popular Artist of the Year in 2012 among his many accolades and is known for always singing praises about this beautiful country and its people.

He was born and raised at Mbhuleni, Matsapha and went to Kwaluseni Primary School then Lozitha High School. He started poetry at the age of 10.

He has released two single albums and three full albums. Some of his poems have been exhibited in South Bank, London during the last Olympic Games. The poem was entitled “Hard working Women of Swaziland” (nayibamba bophezu kwemkhono.” He has also performed in Reunion Island representing Swaziland.

“I am a poet and a King’s praise singer at the same time. Praise singing is very spiritual.  In the traditional African society a praise singer gives praises to a King or Queen as a way of introduction. Poetry is where you use the art of writing or putting wording in an artistic form on just about anything. If I were to take any well known poet (who is not otherwise known as an imbongi) and give him the platform to praise sing (abonge emakhosi), he will definitely have to recite tibongo not a poem. These two are different,” he explained.

He is pleased with the development of the country noting that when Swaziland gained independence utilities like water and electricity were scarce but under the leadership of His Majesty King Mswati III and King Sobhuza II, the country had developed.

“Today we have first world country roads, international airports and many other structures that have enabled us as a nation to be recognised by the Africa and the wold. We have for the first time as a country under the leadership of King Mswati III hosted SADC and the king becoming chairman of SADC,” he said.

Nxumalo said all over the country the development was evident for all to see and it was an inspiration for the poems and praises he sang.




Being a Swazi is God given. I embrace that and I love who I am. I am proud because we are a small kingdom country ruled by a King. As a nation we have refused to leave our way of life, our traditions and cultures given to us by the Almighty. We still practice all that our forefathers taught us. As a people we have our own way of advising the king on how to rule us through Sibaya (nation’s parliament) where any Swazi can stand up and speak freely on what should be done. Also in Eswatini every MP in parliament has been elected by people from the communities without any influence, clearly showing that people have a right to choose any person that believe can represent them in parliament. I love my beautiful


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